• service-worker.js

  • console.debug('service-worker.js: this is a service worker');
  • This is the basic architecture of a service worker, as described here.

  • With service workers, the following steps are generally observed for basic set up:

  • 1

    The service worker URL is fetched and registered via serviceWorker.register(). This step is performed in the SWUtil module.

  • 2

    If successful, the service worker is executed in a ServiceWorkerGlobalScope; this is basically a special kind of worker context, running off the main script execution thread, with no DOM access.

  • 3

    The service worker is now ready to process events.

  • 4

    Installation of the worker is attempted when service worker-controlled pages are accessed subsequently.

    this.addEventListener('install', function oninstall(event) {
      console.info('Service worker installed, oninstall fired');
  • An install event is always the first one sent to a service worker (this can be used to start the process of populating an IndexedDB, and caching site assets say). This is really the same kind of procedure as installing a native or Firefox OS app — making everything available for use offline.

  • More info about how to handle the InstallEvent are here

      console.info('Use oninstall to install app dependencies');
  • 5

    When the oninstall handler completes, the service worker is considered installed.

  • 6

    Next is activation. When the service worker is installed, it then receives an activate event.

    this.addEventListener('activate', function onactivate(event) {
      console.info('Service worker activated, onactivate fired');
  • The primary use of onactivate is for cleanup of resources used in previous versions of a Service Worker script.

      console.info('Use onactivate to cleanup old resources');
  • 7

    The Service Worker will now control pages, but only those opened after the register() is successful. i.e. a document starts life with or without a Service Worker and maintains that for its lifetime. So documents will have to be reloaded to actually be controlled.

    this.addEventListener('fetch', function onfetch(event) {
      console.info('onfecth fired');
  • More info about how to handle the FetchEvent are here

      console.info('Modify requests, do whatever you want');

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